Thanks to everyone at STGCC 2010
Thank you to everyone who bought this little Lovebird, Rainbow Reading Garden will get more books because of you guys!
Mr. Napat from Thailand was so nice to drop by and gave CE figure
Salute to Andy from toysrevil for making sure he visited everybody
Mufizal is so awesome with his sculpture
Caramelaw displayed sweet stuff from their candy world
Phil Ortiz! Our group photo with this nice man get corrupted =(
At Nana's exhibition spot
Mint Museum of Toys got tonsss of wicked classic toys to check out
Singapore Toy Games Comic Convention 2010
Yeeha! We will be participating on Singapore Toy Games Comic Convention 2010 this weekend! These are some of the stuff that will be displayed :
Easy Mind
40x60cm Acrylic on Canvas
Solidboy Custom By Cheche
30 cm resin figure
Solidboy Custom By Hakim
30 cm resin figure
Solidboy Custom By Arief
30 cm resin figure
3D & Flip Lenticular Goodies
Lovebird Plush
every purchase of this will help Rainbow Reading Garden to build free libraries on remote islands
We are still waiting for some artists to submit their Solidboy custom for the show, hope to see you on the ground! And yes, I will upload the new papertoy in a few hours more... *it's a bunny*
I don't think I will get the new bunny paper toy ready before my flight to Singapore. Still struggling with the shape...
Hope For Merapi & Mentawai
Indonesia is having natural disaster combos. First came the flash flood, then the earthquake, tsunami and volcano erruption. As a designer, sometime I feel that my profession is 'useless' in this kind of time. When Plastic Culture invite me to participate in their charity event this weekend, I felt so happy. I know I'm not a doctor nor rescue expert that save lives, but this time as a designer I'm glad to actually use my skill and help along.
If you are in Jakarta, please come to Grand Indonesia this weekend. Meet your favourite artists, put any amount of donation and you will get your custom doodle from them! Looking for rare toys for your collection? Look no more, rare items are also going to be sold and proceeds for the Merapi & Mentawai victims. Not into donating? Just come and have a good time then, it's always good to meet people who read my blog directly =)
Malaysia International Toy Fair 2010
Wheewww.. First day at Malaysia International Toy Fair is awesome! We meet a lot of great people here too.. Thank you so much for everybody who visited our booth today, you guys mean a lot for us at Saltnpaper. Just to let you know, Solidboy is finally displayed and sold! I've been waiting for the event to kick off with the debut, call me conservative but I want to meet the first lucky person to get Solidboy. We sold 2 Solidboys on the 1st day. That means 3 Solidboys left.
I'm sad and happy that MITF is ending. Sad because I would like to meet and share ideas with more interesting people, happy because I'm in the process of getting a flu tsunami if don't get a proper rest. Thank you so much to everybody who visits our booth and now our website, do leave a comment and tell us what do you think of our work.
These are the photos from the event, could've taken more photos if my body is not so broken by the flu symptom.. I still walk like an old man as I type this...
Thanks to everyone for coming to our simple booth!
Solidboy Packaging (Javanese Wood Carve Series), we brought 3 to the event.
Me & Mr. Leonard, he got Solidboy No.1!
I meet Painkillaharts, he made Gubi papertoys. Both of our toys was customized by ABZ from Hawaii.
It's good to have friends coming over, business should get along with having great fun!
Our name cards was going thin by hours..
Sofia (Bali Custom) &Varna was one of the "must photo" toy, so happy to see so many people like it.
These lovely girls came to our booth, I felt flattered by the photo request. All the best girls!
Nicole from Orange Monster came too.. Thanks for sending the photo Nic!
My brother explaining our Solidboy concept and the upcoming resin version. I wonder whats in the kid's imagination..
This great couple made a great escape kidnapping my Lovebird, well love do run free =)
CAUGHT BY THE SHADOW STORMTROOPER! Fallen to the dark side I almost have! Bribe him cute toys I must do! English Course Class I must retake....
Dr. Tan from The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia dropped by. While he came from an office with serious name, his mind is as open as a window.
By the end of the show, Najib & Wieyda from Eightyforcube came by and happily took my papertoys as I can't bring it back to Indonesia for practical purpose. I remember I gave some to The Pipit and we took a picture with Mike, but I can't find the photo.. or maybe we didn't.. Still, it's happy ending for everybody =D.
This is me at Eightyfourcube Creative Gallery, make sure you guys check out this funky space if you are in KL. Behind us is one yummy mural by Kenji Chai.
Devilrobots doing exclusive paintings at Eightyfourcube, UBBER AWESOMEEEEEE!
Ok guys, thats all from me. I really need to take a rest to thwart the evil flu plan to take over my body. Do leave a comment, I'm sure it will help to boost up my stamina better than anything else =)
When Toy Designers Meet

Last month Saltnpaper got the chance to visit Marin & Breeaanz from My Tummy Toys, Manuel from Cikcuk Dunia Fantasi and Arkiv from Arkiv Instant. It always great when creative minds meet... not to mention all this happened just at the back of a very cool toy shop in Bandung.
We really have a good time having chitchat talking about toys, toys and toys! In short this is what they have to say about their job as urban toy designer.
“I just can't put this feeling in words. I mean, my job is to have fun with toys? What else could be better?”
Marin is the founder of mytummytoys and the designer of the single-horn rhino called Jouwe. He came out with the one-horned javanese rhino idea because he liked the idea of the contradictory nature of a strong creature but yet endangered at the same time.
Marin have been quite a toy fans since he was small and one day Marin and Arkiv were just having fun trying out making their own toys out of resin and voila! now MytummyToys is the partner and producer for some great toy artist such as Breeaanz with his beatupboxer, Manuel with cikcuk dunia fantasi, Jonschiller, Phu! and also as the official distributor of Play Imaginative.
"This is it! this what I'm going for! I just knew that this is my candy!"
Hailing from German, Manu is now based in Bandung designing the delicious characters for cikcuk dunia fantasi and when asked what does cikcuk stands for? He answered "when I heard the name cikcuk... cikcuk, it just sounds right for my fantasy world".
He's currently completing his Fine art Master in Bandung Institute of Technology and he was amaze with the whole artist and designer scene in Bandung, "You have it all in here! Artist, designer, production, gallery and cool peoples. Its amazing".
Manu currently have a lot of things going on such as mini-games for cikcuk, apparel products, animation, plush toys and many other stuff which he cross-discipline, "I just love to experiment. the less You know, the more interesting it will be"
Arkiv used to be an architect before he fell in this whole scene, " in 2001 I saw michael lau's figure, I fell in love at that very time. It's so unique, it's like no other toy I have seen before, in fact I feel it was more than a toy".
Right then Arkiv and Marine make their own resin toys and arkiv instant was born inspired based on his child hood love on whale, Bugs Bunny and Mickey mouse. On next month he will have his solo exhibition in Taiwan and for end of this year it will be a round exhibition trip in US! (ps: Europe exhibition coming soon next year)
And you my friend... might want to check out Marin's new shop Lou Belle, especially if you are hanging out in Bandung (Indonesia). It's the yummiest looking shop in Bandung!

Papertoy Workshop for Kids

I was invited to participate in Provoke Magazine & Garnier volunteer's workshop for kids last week. I can tell you we had lots of fun that day! Those kids are just full of creative sparks and billion megawatts of energy. How I wish I still have that unlimited energy to tackle all my works...
The event took place under this unique water tower built in around 1800 by the Dutch, in a small hall which double as Kid's Reading Club & Library.

When I was told that this workshop is going to be held for kids coming from low income background, I knew I just had to participate right away. It's really feels awesome to share what I know and turn it into all fun and laughing activity. In a conversation with the founder of the Kid's Reading Club, he said that he did this to keep the kids away from drugs and violent society and to encourage literacy in a fun way. Five thumbs up for that great guy!

Provocative Day

There were time where I used to seat in awe watching the-oh-so-glamorous designers giving talk in a cool design seminar. Last month, Provoke Magazine called me and ask if I'm available on the 16 to give a small talk about paper toy design. Given my previous job as a design lecturer, it's always a pleasure to share what I know to others. But I almost turn this down because I thought it was 16 of April and that was during my father's most critical time in ICU. Luckily my good friend Salazad informed me that its 16 of March.
Now... while I do not consider my self the-oh-so-glamorous designer, I really hope I can see some of you there... I'm still thinking what to say for the talk though, so if you have any idea on what's good to share please drop me a comment, I might even explain it on the next next next blog post... (as I really want to at least share some new paper toys with you all first)
The seminar is free for everyone to attend, it comes with free lunch too! So just in case you don't like my talk, please don't throw anything sharp, hard or disgusting.
Do enjoy the free lunch instead...
Paper toy & Pop Out Show @ Pink Hobo Gallery, Minneapolis

Attention to Ladies & Gentlemen, if you happen to be in Minneapolis on 18 April 2009, please drop by to Pink Hobo Gallery at 7-10pm. Lots of great paper artists will be exhibiting and selling their piece, one of them is Megan Brain. Known for her art direction and design on the end title credits for Oscar Nominated “Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa”. I won't be there, but my toys will.. you can say hi to them, get their autograph, hug them or cut them into pieces...

More detail at the Pink Hobo site.